New Request Overview

The Employee New Request Screen is where employees can enter incoming requests into the system, from a phone call, email, or in person. This screen is divided into three main sections:

  1. Customer Contact Information
  2. Request Classification
  3. Request Description

To view the New Request Screen, simply click on the New Request Command at the Request Log screen. The Request form will then appear (Figure 10).

Figure 10 - Employee New Request Screen

Customer Contact Information

The top part of the New Request screen is the customer contact information area (See Figure 11). Fill in as much information as the customer will provide. Some fields may be required such as the Last Name, or Phone Number depending on the topic selected in the Request Classification section. Required fields are indicated by a red asterisks. The system will prompt you with a message if you forget to fill out a required field on the form when you update the request.

If the citizen would like to follow-up on the request, certain fields are beneficial to record, (even if they are not required) such as the Phone number to call them back and their email address. The citizen Email is especially useful as the system provides several forms of communication with the citizen.

With a citizen email address, the system will:

  1. Automatically send and email notification to the customer when the request is closed. The email notification contains a summary of the resolution and a satisfaction survey link for the citizen to report on the service.
  2. Log all email communication between citizen and employee onto the Request Screen by using the Collaboration Tools.
  3. Provide the citizen with their account information, so they may sign-in online to submit and track the status of their own requests.

Figure 11 - Employee New Request Screen: Customer Contact Section

Anonymous Requests

Some topics will allow the citizen to submit an anonymous request if the contact fields are not required. To submit this section blank, you must check the box at the top labeled “Check for Anonymous Citizen.” (Figure 10). If you leave the Customer Contact Information blank without checking this box, the system will automatically fill in your own employee contact information and you are now the requestor.

Name Look-up List

Citizens will often have other requests in the system. If this is the case, a Name Look-up List will automatically appear on the screen once you type in their last name.

To use this feature:

Start typing the first few letters of their last name and press the TAB key or click on the next field on the screen. The system will automatically perform a search for names that begin with those letters. For example, if the citizen’s last name is “Jones”, type in the entire last name or just the letters “jon.” A pop-up window will appear with a list of possible citizens. Select the correct citizen’s first or last name and the information will be copied over to the request screen (Figure 12).

Figure 12 - Name Look-up List

Combining Accounts for same Citizen

It is important to use the Name Look-up list to keep requests for the same citizen on the same account. Choosing to ignore the Name Look-up list when the customer already has an account, will create two accounts and their new requests will not be linked to their previous requests. Exception: If the same email address matches their previous account, their requests will automatically link together.

Tracking Requests for a Customer

While you may use the Quick Find or Advanced Find search tools to find requests for a citizen, the New Request screen will also track the total number of requests for a citizen. If the citizen has more than one request filed, a link will appear next to their contact information (Figure 13).

Figure 13 - Tracking Requests for a Customer

Clicking on the request link for the customer, will display a dialog box (See Figure 14). You may click on the Request # to view the details of the request.

(*Note – You may only view the customer’s other requests if you have permissions to view them. Otherwise, the system will display the message “You do not have permissions to access the request”. The message will let you know the employee’s name that can access the request, so you may forward the caller to the appropriate employee. See Figure 15 to view the message. If you do have permissions to view the request, the system will take you to the request screen for that request).

Figure 14 - List of Requests for Customer

Figure 15 - Request Message: No Access

Request Classification

The Request Classification area is the section in the middle of the New Request Screen. It contains the details about the request, including the Topic name, Request Type, and how the request was entered. Depending on your agency’s preferences for specific topics, various fields will automatically appear for additional information. In Figure 16, the topic “Trash Cans or Containers” displays the “Problem Location” field. Other topics may display different fields to prompt the employee or citizen for the necessary information. These fields may include: License #, Park Name, Facility Name etc… (See Figure 16).

Figure 16 - New Request Screen: Request Classification

Each field is described below:

Figure 17 - Requests Listed at the Problem Location

Figure 18 - Display Message: No Request Access

Request Description

The request Description is the last section of the New Request Screen. This field is used to describe the problem or question (See Figure 19). This is a required field before you Update & Exit the screen. If the citizen has provided an email address, the citizen can view what you write here when they log-in to their own account online or receive an email notification from the system.

Figure 19 - New Request: Request Description

Fields to enter are:

Figure 20 - Description Attachments

Update & Exit Commands

The command buttons at the top of the Request Screen include Update & Exit, Update, or Cancel. Both Update commands have different capabilities, but also function in the same 4 ways:

  1. Saves all the information on the request to a database
  2. Sends an email notification to the Employee assigned the request
  3. Sends an email confirmation to the citizen (if citizen provided email address). If it is the Citizen’s first time submitting a request, the email will contain their account information to sign-in online.
  4. The cancel button will exit the screen and not save the request.

Update & Exit Command Description

The Update & Exit command differs from the Update command because it will save the request and return to the Request Log screen. If the request description was entered for the first time, a dialog box will display the request number and the number of days to resolve the request (See Figure 20). If you give the request number and resolution date to the customer, the citizen can easily call back to check on the status of the request.

Figure 21 - Submitted Request Confirmation

Update Command Description

The Update button will save the request and keep you on the same request screen. The request screen will change slightly, after Updating by displaying extra fields and buttons (See Figure 22). Notice the request number and the expected close date are now displayed on this page. This information can be given to the customer, so they may follow-up on their request.

The other fields displayed include the employee’s name assigned the request, and a gray button called “Create another Request for Customer.” Selecting the “Create another Request for Customer” this will open a new request screen for the same customer. The customer contact info will be copied from the existing request to the new request for your convenience. Simply select a new topic and fill out the description of the issue. This is useful when a citizen calls in for two or three different problems at once. Each request must be submitted under a separate topic, so the correct issue is routed to the correct employee.

Figure 22 - Request Screen after Updating Request

Reassigning Requests - Short and Long Form

At the top right corner of the New Request Screen, the request may be viewed as a Short or Long Form. The Long form will display 3 additional fields within the Request Classification section: Assigned to, Status, and Priority (Figure 23). In most cases, leaving the form default to Short form is sufficient.

Figure 23 - New Request Screen: Long Form Display

Long Form Additional Fields: